

Saturday - 11AM Sabbath Service | Wednesday - 7PM Bible Study

21st Century Church of Christ Corp Leadership

21st Century Church of Christ Corp is blessed to have a leadership team who are truly dedicated to Christ and accomplishing His will. Following are brief bio's of our leadership team:

Pastor John McCain

President & Senior Pastor

21st Century Church of Christ: The Faithful Church is led by Washington, DC native, John McCain. For over 30 years, John has helped Christians and people new to Christianity understand the Bible and go deeper in their faith.

His passion is for the Church to be a place where people can meet Jesus and have him change their world.

At an early age, Pastor John always had a zeal for studying the Bible and being able to examine, understand, and apply it at the astonishment of others who were well-versed in scripture.

Pastor John says God called him at a very early age for a great work; however, it never seemed the right time as he explored music and writing for decades yet never losing his love of scriptural research and sharing that truth to all who listened. As it turns out, it became more than a zealous love—it became his calling from God.

God spoke to him and asked him to build a web site that would share the gospel with everyone. Instead of having a physical address, God required that many other nations needed to receive his message and testimony.

So, in 2014, he designed a web site to share a message of hope and faith to an international audience, not just for those local to him. His mission and vision was to make the website a place where all could take time to examine the scriptures for themselves and make an informed, educated decision to dedicate their lives to Christ.

Fast forward to today, with thousands of visits to the Site each year, and over 500 online members worldwide, Pastor John has surely proven that the need for Jesus is great. And—he does it with Grace, dignity and intelligence.

So now he has a podcast that seeks to unlock the secrets of scripture to prepare the world for the return of Christ.  

In conclusion, Pastor John is now working on many exciting things such as a worldwide homelessness project using sophisticated technology to propel his message to the ends of the Earth. We know whatever he creates is sure to effectively communicate hope, faith, and love to the masses. 

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21st Century Church of Christ: The Faithful Church is led by Washington, DC native, John McCain. For over 30 years, John has helped Christians and people new to Christianity understand the Bible and go deeper in their faith.

His passion is for the Church to be a place where people can meet Jesus and have him change their world.

At an early age, Pastor John always had a zeal for studying the Bible and being able to examine, understand, and apply it at the astonishment of others who were well-versed in scripture.

Pastor John says God called him at a very early age for a great work; however, it never seemed the right time as he explored music and writing for decades yet never losing his love of scriptural research and sharing that truth to all who listened. As it turns out, it became more than a zealous love—it became his calling from God.

God spoke to him and asked him to build a web site that would share the gospel with everyone. Instead of having a physical address, God required that many other nations needed to receive his message and testimony.

So, in 2014, he designed a web site to share a message of hope and faith to an international audience, not just for those local to him. His mission and vision was to make the website a place where all could take time to examine the scriptures for themselves and make an informed, educated decision to dedicate their lives to Christ.

Fast forward to today, with thousands of visits to the Site each year, and over 500 online members worldwide, Pastor John has surely proven that the need for Jesus is great. And—he does it with Grace, dignity and intelligence.

So now he has a podcast that seeks to unlock the secrets of scripture to prepare the world for the return of Christ.  

In conclusion, Pastor John is now working on many exciting things such as a worldwide homelessness project using sophisticated technology to propel his message to the ends of the Earth. We know whatever he creates is sure to effectively communicate hope, faith, and love to the masses. 

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Janice Euell

Vice President

Janice comes to us with over 30 years of experience in the youth empowerment arena.  

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Janice comes to us with over 30 years of experience in the youth empowerment arena.  

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Toni Colwell

Secretary, Board of Directors'

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