
Saturday - 11AM Sabbath Service | Wednesday - 7PM Bible Study


9658 Baltimore Ave,
Suite 300
College Park, MD



Welcome to 21st Century Church of Christ

We at 21st Century Church of Christ invite you to worship with us! No matter where you are at on life’s journey, you are welcome here!

We believe that God loves all of creation, and through Jesus Christ we are brought into fellowship with God. We are a family, proclaiming the love and grace of God, as found in God's Word. All are welcome at 21st Century Church of Christ  - those who believe as well as those who are seeking.

At each service, we gather for meaningful worship to study God’s word. We reach out with the heart of ministry to care for our neighbors in the name of Christ here and around the world via our charity, the National Agape Gift Bags Sock Ministry.

You will discover many exciting opportunities at 21st Century Church of Christ  as we are now forming our congregation. Our website is just the introduction to the spirit of our church. We want you to feel at home and comfortable here. We are pleased to welcome you as part of a growing and diverse Christian community.

Please join us for an upcoming worship service. There’s a place for you here at 21st Century Church of Christ.

donate to our agape sock ministry today!


Together we can make a difference. Consider donating to our Agape Sock Ministry today. Your donation is tax-deductible of course. We use all donations to purchase socks, toiletries and other necessary items to help those who are in need. Would you like to learn more about the Sock Ministry? Click here!

What is a Menorah?

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Ask A biblical question

Please feel free to submit your biblical questions for us to answer.

We will do our best to give you the answer straight from the Bible as the only authoritative source of truth. 


become a member

Membership in the body of Christ is not achieved through human effort, religious rituals, or adherence to a set of doctrines but through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This faith is marked by repentance from sin, baptism, and the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, who incorporates the believer into the body of Christ. "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God" (Ephesians 2:8).

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do You Offer Bible Studies?
Yes, we do offer personal or group Bible studies upon request. Contact our pastor at his email address:
Are You A Part of the Church of Christ Denomination?
No, we are not apart of the Church of Christ. We are called the 21st Century Church of Christ because that is what we are. We are a church of Christ because we follow Him with the same teaching as the first century. We are also non-denominational. Lastly, we would be considered as modern-day Israelites.
What Does Your Church Teach?
Our Church teaches and holds to the doctrines of the first-century Apostles and disciples of Christ. We use the Bible as our guide to understanding and conducting the Church just the way the Apostles did 2000 years ago. Our meetings are only an hour and offer a short discussion on a variety of biblical subjects usually prophecy dealing with the return of Christ. We believe that teaching and spreading the Gospel to the inhabited earth as a witness before the end comes is the direct commandment of Jesus Christ Himself. We know that we are a part of the remnant of God because we honor the commandments of God and bear testimony to Jesus Christ as found in the book of Revelation.
How Many People Attend Your Services?
Right now, we only have a few members as we have just started to form a physical location.

Who is the Leader of Your Church
Pastor John McCain is both senior pastor and president of the Church. You can read all about him under the leadership heading.

How Are Your Meetings Conducted?
Our meetings have a topic that the pastor discusses in detail. The congregation is free to have their questions answered during the discussion to edify the entire congregation. Our purpose is to teach the scriptures so that each member can share what they have learned, apply it to their lives, and then share it with others. This way, the Church is educated as a whole on matters of doctrine. We are a teaching church! We teach the scriptures including prophecy to prepare for the coming of Christ. We believe that Yahweh is the source of all life and through His son Yeshua we gain everlasting life. We want our members to understand this wholeheartedly so that they are able to teach others about the goodness of God and His plan for mankind.

Do You Follow the Ten Commandments?
Absolutely! We believe that the Ten Commandments are still applicable for today's believers. Yahweh wrote them with His very finger and they are currently in the Ark of the Covenant which is in heaven. We believe each of the commandments are vital to the everyday life of the true follower of Christ.
Are you a 501c3 Organization?
Yes, we are. That means your donations are tax-deductible.
Is this a church where God's Word is faithfully taught?
We certainly are. We are the true meaning of “sola scriptura,” the Bible alone. We continue where the first-century ekklesia left off.
Is this a church in which the gospel is cherished and clearly proclaimed?
The Gospel of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ) is clearly taught in our congregation as commanded by Christ himself. The Gospel is believing that Jesus was born, died, and resurrected in bodily form after 3.5 days. He is now seated at the “right hand of the Father.”
Is this a church committed to reaching non-Christians with the gospel?
Yes, good question. We are commanded to go out and reach non-believers, first teaching and then baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Is this a church where sound doctrine matters?
Sound doctrine is pivotal to the church, especially when lives are at stake. We pride ourselves with following the doctrine of the early Apostles.


Our beliefs are taken from the Holy Scriptures.  The early messianic community followed the doctrines of the Apostles. And at 21st Century Church of Christ, we are no different. Some of our beliefs are observing the 7th-day Sabbath, Honoring the Ten Commandments, and the deity of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ).

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Baptism is an ordinance instituted by Jesus Christ in the New Testament (Matt 28:19) for those who confess faith in him (Acts 2:38; Mark 16:16; Acts 8:12). Baptism is done by immersing the whole body in water (Matt 3:16; Acts 8:38-39), in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19).
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the last supper

Messiah Yeshua asked us to remember Him by partaking in bread and wine, which symbolizes his body and blood. Find out what it means for us today.

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foot washing

Foot washing is an ordinance in our congregation. Find out why we practice this event and what you can learn from it.

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head coverings for women

The sisters in our congregation who have assignments that require prayer or teaching (or even prophesying) cover their heads just as they did in the early messianic communities. Find out why.

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To read your devotionals, click the button below. Devotionals help to grow your faith and help you to understand matters of scripture. Try reading and studying your devotionals today!

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Verse of the day

Quote of the day

Who We Are

We are the 21st Century Church of Christ, a small fellowship of faithful believers who study the scriptures, spread the Gospel, fervently pray for God's kingdom to come, and help those in need.

What We Do

We use the Holy Spirit to edify ourselves and others.

What's Different

We use advanced technology to reach and teach anyone wanting to learn what Yahweh God and Yeshua (Jesus Christ ) command us to do.

Prayer Requests

Are you in need of prayer? Our pastor will pray on your behalf. Please fill out the form and Pastor John will get in contact with you personally! 

contact us now

Today's Bible Quiz

QUESTION: What is Armageddon?


The term "Armageddon" is often associated with the ultimate battle between the forces of good and evil, depicted in the Bible. This concept is most directly referenced in the Book of Revelation, the last book of the New Testament, which contains apocalyptic visions and prophecies concerning the end times and the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Biblical Reference

The word "Armageddon" originates from Revelation 16:16, which states: "And they assembled them at the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon." This is the only passage in the Bible where the term is specifically mentioned. The name "Armageddon" is believed to derive from "Har Megiddo," referring to the Mount of Megiddo, located in modern-day Israel. Megiddo and its surrounding valley have been the site of numerous historic battles.

Context in Revelation

In the context of Revelation, Armageddon is the site of a gathering of kings and their armies, assembled by demonic forces for a final confrontation against God and His people. This assembly for battle follows a series of judgments poured out upon the earth, symbolized by bowls of wrath. The battle of Armageddon is part of the complex imagery and symbolism used throughout Revelation to depict the ultimate triumph of God over evil.

Symbolism and Interpretation

Revelation is a book rich with symbolism, written in a genre known as apocalyptic literature, which was familiar to its original readers and used to convey hope to Christians facing persecution by revealing God's control over history and His ultimate victory. The specific nature of the battle of Armageddon, like much of Revelation, is subject to various interpretations. We believe it as a literal future event—a physical battle in which Jesus Christ will return to defeat the Antichrist, Satan, and their followers. 

Theological Significance

Regardless of the interpretation of the specifics of Armageddon, the theological message is clear: God is sovereign over history, and He will bring about the final defeat of evil, resulting in the establishment of His kingdom of justice, peace, and righteousness. For believers, this future event signifies hope—the assurance of Christ's return, the resurrection of the dead, the final judgment, and the promise of a new heaven and a new earth where God will dwell with His people forever, as described in Revelation 21-22.

In Christian eschatology (the study of the end times), Armageddon serves as a powerful symbol of God's ultimate victory over evil and the fulfillment of His redemptive plan for the world. It encourages believers to remain faithful, watchful, and hopeful, living in anticipation of the coming of the Lord.